Stephen Hawking je umro u srijedu u 76. godini života i mnoge poznate ličnosti su odale počast kontroveznom znanstveniku.
I feel lucky to have known Stephen Hawking. His work is an inspiring reminder of what human minds are capable of.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) March 14, 2018
When a brilliant scientific mind like Stephen Hawking also happens to be a great popularizer of science, it’s a gift to the world. Here’s hoping there are more like him waiting to be known.
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) March 14, 2018
Ali, neki ljudi nisu previše dobro prihvatili počast koju je glumica Gal Gadot odala znanstveniku jer, kao što smo već naučili, sve što izjavite u 2018. godini će sigurno biti uzeto iz konteksta.
“Počivaj u miru dr. Hawking”, napisala je Gadot na Twitteru. “Sada si slobodan bilo kakvih fizičkih ograničenja. Tvoja brilijantnost i mudrost biti će zauvijek dragocjeni.”
Rest in peace Dr. Hawking. Now you're free of any physical constraints.. Your brilliance and wisdom will be cherished forever ✨
— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) March 14, 2018
Nekako, ljudi su njezin tweet shvatili kao ruganje njegovom hendikepu i vukli je kroz blato.
I think you’re fantastic Gal but this tweet is very ableist. His physical constraints didn’t stop him from changing the world. People with disabilities don’t wish for death to be free of their challenges. We wish to be valued for what we CAN do, not pitied for we can’t.
— Adam B. Zimmerman (@ABZimm) March 14, 2018
That sentiment affects me personally, it affects all people with disabilities because it impacts how we are perceived. The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is 70-80% and the idea that disabilities are scary things to be “freed” from is a big reason why.
— Adam B. Zimmerman (@ABZimm) March 14, 2018
Gal I am chronically ill. Can't shower or even get myself out of bed. Lost 18 years thus far. But I ran a charity funding research for my illness #ME and advocate for Change. All from my bed. Is my life not important? Disablement is not shameful, bigotry is. Watch @unrestfilm pls
— amara campbell (@amaracampbell) March 14, 2018
especially since almost no one would look at a healthy teen who died in a car crash & say "they're free from physical restraints." "in a better place," sure. the other is only used when someone is old, sick, &/or disabled. (which, as you pointed out, aren't even the same thing.)
— swarovski rose. (@clemfairie) March 15, 2018
Thank you "Wonder Woman" for that completely ableist comment. Being disabled is not a restraint, he is one of the greatest minds in the world AND he was disabled. It did not RESTRAIN him. So disappointed people think this way. 😑😑😑
— Aimée Talbot🐰👸🏼👯🐇 (@Bunnyaimee) March 15, 2018
Neki su otišli i dalje komentirajući Hawkingovo kontroverzno stajalište o izraelsko-palestinskom sukobu.
He was already free 😉
Like Palestine was and will be 😊
And he was wise enough to boycott your illegal country and support bds movement 🤗
Such a great man for sure— Halima (@halibaba_) March 15, 2018
Cijeli argument je glup. Stephen Hawking je bio fizički hendikepiran. Nitko to ne opovrgava. Nekako smo stigli do točke u vremenu u kojem se iznošenje činjenica smatra uvredljivo i bezosjećajno. To se dešava s rasom, s rodom, a sad i s tjelesnim invaliditetom.
Gal Gadot je jedna od najmanje kontroverznih i najuglednijih žena u svijetu zabave. I ne bi se trebala zamarati mišljenjima internet trolova.