Papa Franjo oštro je kritiziran u sobitu nakon što je proglasio da je smeće u svjetskom oceanima “izvanredno stanje” koje treba riješiti, zanemarujući skandal seksualnog zlostavljanja djece Katoličke crkve.
Franjo, koji je iznio primjedbe na Svjetskom danu molitve, osudio je onečišćenje “mora i oceana” “beskrajnim poljima plutajuće plastike”.
May the Lord strengthen our efforts to care for our common home, and especially for water, a basic good that must be protected and made available to everyone.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 1, 2018
“I ovdje je potrebna aktivna predanost u suočavanju s ovim izvanrednim slučajem”, rekao je Franjo. “Moramo se moliti kao da sve ovisi o Božjoj providnosti i raditi kao da sve ovisi o nama”.
Franjina izjava došla je u jeku masovnog skandala pedofilije u Katoličkoj crkvi, kao što je velika porota navela “da je nekih 300 svećenika u šest pennsylvanijskih biskupija zlostavljalo više od 1.000 djece u posljednjih 70 godina, što su biskupi prikrivali”.
Izjava koja izaziva češkanje po glavi, uznemirila je korisnike Twittera:
"We're good, dude, clean up your own mess first" — Fish
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) September 1, 2018
Seems like this should be lower on the list of things that should concern him right now.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 1, 2018
Right. That's what's the problem here.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) September 1, 2018
Community organizer picks his battles.
— Bryan Suits (Not California Compliant) (@darksecretplace) September 1, 2018
How about addressing the human garbage polluting your church first.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) September 1, 2018
I tend to scream about plastic in the ocean when everything around me is on fire too
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) September 2, 2018
Also, all these squirrels. Just, everywhere. Look at them over there! No, do not look THERE, where the kids are being touched. Over there, where the squirrels are running around and the oceans are filled with plastic.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) September 2, 2018
Glumica Patricia Heaton je dodala:
I don’t care if every previous Pope is exposed. My allegiance is not to any man or institution, but only to Christ crucified and risen, who warned that it would be better to drown with a millstone around your neck than to cause his little ones to stumble.
— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) September 1, 2018