Nakon što su nedavno otvorili vrata ženskim članovima – kojih je već oko 3,000 – Boy Scouts su se službeno rebrendirali kao potpuno “uključiva” organizacija spremna dočekati novu generaciju novim, rodno nespecificiranim imenom: “Scouts BSA”.
“Željeli smo napraviti nešto što će prizivati prošlost ali također izraziti inkluzivnu prirodu programa koji napreduje”, rekao je izvršni direktor Mike Surbaugh. “Pokušavamo naći pravi način da kažemo da smo ovdje i za mlade muškarce i za mlade žene”.
Ne želeći u potpunosti pokopati 108-godišnje ime, organizacija će zadržati ime Boy Scouts of America, koje označava kratica “BSA” u novom imenu. U međuvremenu, Surbaugh predviđa da će novi članovi sebe jednostavno nazivati bezrodnim nazivom “skauti”.
Nije iznenađujuće da jedna skupina nije osobito oduševljena razvojem događaja, a to su Girl Scouts, koje su već vidjele pad u članstvu pošto su njihovi bivši muški konkurenti postali “sveuključujući”.
Kao odgovor na vijesti o novom imenu, internet je reagirao. Evo nekih od reakcija – dobrih, loših i ostalih – kao označavanje službenog završetka Boy Scoutova kakve smo znali:
So everyone who said the inclusion of girls in the Boy Scouts would end with the elimination of Boy Scouts as an entity was correct and not crazy then?
— alexandriabrown (@alexthechick) May 2, 2018
As a former Eagle I applaud this move
— George Larson II (@GeoLarsonII) May 2, 2018
Ahhh. Caught ya! Once an Eagle, always an Eagle. An Eagle Scould would never say “former Eagle!”
— Becky Johnson (@PlanBJ) May 2, 2018
Lol girls already have girl scouts. PC culture dictates that boy's can't have anything to themselves because you know… That would be "sexist" Lefty's ruin everything with their corrosive touch.
— Fabian Taveras 🇺🇸 (@wafflestomp94) May 2, 2018
Nah. The boys are just doing it because they want to sell cookies too. It's a money thing. 😉
— Stephanie Mitz (@StephanieMitz) May 2, 2018
The boy scouts have consistently lost sponsorship since they started caving to the PC police. It's got nothing to do with money.
— Steven Hawkins (@stevenshawkins) May 2, 2018
So glad my son is on his path to Eagle & will be out next year. His Troop has an associated Crew Troop that’s mixed. They have an equivalent rank to Eagle. Why insert girls in one of the few places boys can be free to just be stupid boys? I ardently believe they need that #bsa
— Becky Johnson (@PlanBJ) May 2, 2018
Cue the misogynist males crying "victim" because boys can't "just be boys" anymore. Oh, no!! Men might start to actually learn mutual respect for women. Oh no!!! No more male privileged being taught from a young age. Oh, no! Equality! Oh no!!!!!!!
— Kacey Dea (@THEKaceyDea) May 2, 2018
Mutual respect? Hundreds of movements and celebrations for females. Schools and businesses in Cali just removing men’s restrooms and urinals from gender neutral rooms while still keeping women’s rooms. Girl Scouts aren’t becoming co-ed and gender inclusive how is this equality?
— 🇺🇸Clobz🇺🇸 (@Clobz777) May 2, 2018
No no, you see, if theres anything separate for men, its inherently misogynistic. Before girls were allowed, the premise of boy scouts was to teach boys how to lock their future wives in the kitchen.
— Dan Asteroid (@sec_of_offens3) May 2, 2018
We want the Boy Scout experience.
Okay, let's update the Girl Scouts program so that you can.
No, we want to be in Boy Scouts.
Fine, you're can join the Boy Scouts.
You can't call it Boy Scouts anymore.
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) May 2, 2018
Evo i reakcije Stevena Crowdera: