U jeku nedavnih zbivanja u slučajevima bivšeg Trumpovom odvjetnika Michaela Cohena i bivšeg voditelja Trumpove kampanje Paula Maniforta, koji su proizašli iz istrage o navodnom ruskom dosluhu s Trumpovom kampanjom (tvrdnjom koja još uvijek nije materijalizirala bilo kakve izravne dokaze), ljevica se odlučila priključiti mišljenju da je bivši predsjednika Barack Obama, za razliku od svog zlog sljedbenika Donalda Trumpa, imao samo jedan skandal tijekom svog mandata, a to je bilo nošenje odijela svjetle boje!
Naravno, svatko tko je bi obudan tijekom Obaminih godina zna koliko je ova tvrdnja promašena.
Ljevičarska aktivistička grupa Now This, u utorak je objavila video koji odjekuje ovu glupost u danas viralnom videu.
One of Obama's biggest scandals was wearing a tan suit ☕️ pic.twitter.com/2K2IFZwoYQ
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 22, 2018
Poput ostalih ljevičara:
The only scandal… pic.twitter.com/zzenO4fVXM
— Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) August 22, 2018
Why are we wasting our time on Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort? Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s tan suit was a scandal ridden nightmare threatening to undue our norms, fracture our democracy and was an affront to our freedoms. He must be made to answer for it! #MichaelCohen #PaulManafort pic.twitter.com/qjfpYXPocI
— Exavier Pope (@exavierpope) August 21, 2018
Obama wore a tan suit. https://t.co/kUWHzDLrUO
— Steve Schale (@steveschale) August 21, 2018
Obviously, tan suit is not the same as porn star hush funds. https://t.co/yvK9Lh2mmb
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) August 22, 2018
Shvatili ste poantu.
Konzervativci su brzo utišali refren navodeći neke od Obaminih najbolnijih skandala, poput ilegalne operacije poznate pod nazivom Fast and Furious; maltretiranja konzervativnih skupina od IRS-a; pogrešno vođenje i prikrivanje terorističkog napada u Benghaziju, Libiji, gdje je ubijen američki veleposlanik; nemaran odnos perma ratnim veteranima; debakl s privatnim serverom tadašnje državne tajnice Hillary Clinton i sporazum s Iranom.
—Fast & Furious
—IRS Targeting
—ISIS as J.V.
—Project Cassandra
—Ignoring Hezbollah Drug Trade
—Taliban 5 & Bergdahl
—VA Waitlists
—NSA Spying
—Clinton Email Server
—DOJ Wiretapping Journos
—Disastrous Iran DealBut sure. The tan suit was one of his biggest scandals.🤔 https://t.co/DuzzWyTKWK
— Jeremiah Stephan Dunleavy IV (@JerryDunleavy) August 23, 2018
Obama failures on Russia (partial list):
—Reset Button
—Removing missiles from E. Europe
—Mocking Romney about 1980s calling for their FP back
—Telling Putin he’d have more “flexibility”
—Handing Syria to Russia & Iran
—Ukraine & Crimea invasions
—Letting Putin interfere in 2016— Jeremiah Stephan Dunleavy IV (@JerryDunleavy) August 23, 2018
IRS targeting conservative groups
Fast and Furious
Libya debacle
Ransom to Iran
EPA poisoning riversBut other than that…. https://t.co/Dr8uyFQsru
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) August 23, 2018
He killed American citizens without due process
Spied on journalists
His NSA spied on all Americans…
But the tan suit though https://t.co/VcB7CoRtBF— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) August 24, 2018
Or that little IRS scandal targeting Conservative groups…or the guns at the border…or the “keep your docs” lie…or the “video caused it” lie leaving an Ambassador dead. It goes on but you stick to the tan suit.
— Steve Mullen (@Mullen135) August 22, 2018
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