Kada je moguća demokratska kandidatkinja za predsjednika, senatorica Kamala Harris, nadobudno na Twitteru gurala demokratsku imigracijsku agendu, vjerojatno se nadala da nitko neće primjetiti njezinu uporabu omiljenog retoričkog trika “ljevičara otvorenih granica”. Ali bivša porno zvijezda Jenna Jameson brzo je prozvala Harris zbog igre riječima i, kao što je slučaj s gotovo svakom njezinom objavom, pokrenula je lavinu reakcija na mreži.
“Imigranti čine naše zajednice i ekonomiju jačima”, tweetala je kalifornijska senatorica u ponedjeljak. “U doba kad se imigranti odvode od svojih obitelji ispred škola i izvan sudnica, moramo nastaviti govoriti u njihovo ime”.
Immigrants make our communities and our economy stronger. At a time when immigrants have been taken from their families in front of schools and outside courthouses, we must continue to speak out.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) May 21, 2018
Jenna je reagirala ističući da je Harris “prikladno” izostavila ključnu riječ: “ilegalni”.
You conveniently left out the word illegal. https://t.co/o4RKudZMgA
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) May 21, 2018
Slijedila je poplava reakcija cijelog političkog spektra, ali posebno s desne strane, koji su se zabavljali s vidno obmanjujućim tweetom Harris (h/t Twitchy):
They always leave out illegal. It's an insult to LEGAL immigrants like my folks who did it the right way by paying their dues and waiting their turn.
— Jasper Coolidge 🇺🇸🇭🇺 (@jaspercoolidge) May 21, 2018
Some Democrats LITERALLY do not believe in borders, though. Therein lies a potential problem.
Here is Keith Ellison, Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee, wearing an "I do not believe in borders" t-shirt at a recent march. pic.twitter.com/87SFWBSwhH
— doctorcherokee (@doctorcherokee) May 21, 2018
Upućivanje na Ellisona potaknulo je Jennu da istakne kako ju je taj “antisemit” blokirao, što je potaknulo još više govora o sve većem radikalizmu Demokratske stranke:
That anti Semite blocked me.
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) May 21, 2018
He's not an anti-Semite, Jenna, he just hates Jews and Israel.
With folks like him at the helm, no surprise the Democratic Party is toast this year. There's no blue wave coming. pic.twitter.com/UlkrT6pGg9
— doctorcherokee (@doctorcherokee) May 21, 2018
Još nekoliko primjera direktnih odgovora na Harrisov početni tweet, od kojih su neki bili manje srdačni od Jameson:
Immigrants havent, illegal immigrants have. Why is it the left trys so hard to conflate the two? Perhaps to garner sympathy because you need their votes since the American people have soundly rejected your policies??
— Concerned American (@ConcernedAmeri2) May 21, 2018
ILLEGAL- Just 7 letters. Easy to spell but why so hard to say?
— Rick Anthony (@ricoforty) May 21, 2018
Keep talking. It’s all you do. Legal Immigrants who obey OUR laws do that. Not illegals and THEY broke the law and any suffering done by their children is their responsibility and not ours!! pic.twitter.com/lgE8CTBeNs
— Raider13FL (@Raider13F) May 21, 2018