Hollywoodske zvijezde provele su gotovo dvije godine neprekidno maštajući o specijalnom istražitelju Robertu Muelleru koji će optužiti predsjednika Donalda Trumpa zbog takozvanog dosluha s Rusijom tijekom predsjedničkih izbora 2016. No, u petak, Mueller je izdao svoje izvješće o mogućem dosluhu državnom odvjetniku Williamu Barru i nije preporučio daljnje optužnice protiv suradnika Trumpove kampanje.
Didn’t Watch trump’s Bullshit
Political Propaganda.I WILL Watch When MUELLER
Makes Him Grovel In Dirt Of 🌹Garden,When He Is Proven 2 Be PAWN Of PUTIN,When GOP Are Shown 2 Be ass Kissing Castrati They Are,When Ppl See Pence 4 Who He Is. A Pitch Man 4 Big TOBACCO💰,& dark force pic.twitter.com/OUPtrXduPt— Cher (@cher) January 9, 2019
“Dragi gosp. Mueller”, tweetao je Jim Carrey, “budi moj Djed Mraz. Znaš što želim za Božić.”
Dear Mr. Mueller: Be my secret Santa. You know what I want for Christmas. pic.twitter.com/ipzWVTuRdW
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) December 5, 2018
Evo još nekoliko zvijezda koje su maštale da će predsjednik Trump biti optužen od strane Roberta Muellera.
It is now crystal clear that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia in the attack on our Democracy. At this point the only way Trump can avoid the consequences of his crimes is to invoke the Moron Defense. “I was too stupid to obstruct or conspire.” VOTE!!!
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 13, 2018
Happy Valentines Day to Robert Mueller, and for him giving his final rose to DonaldTrump, Jr. That would make this holiday really count.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) February 14, 2019
Trump just ousted Jeff Sessions while Mueller is about to indict Trump Jr.
Get ready. He's going to try and derail the investigation.
This is one of many reasons it's so important we won back the House. But we need to back them up by remaining vigilant and vocal.
— Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) November 7, 2018
trumpie…you fucked big time now. aint no stopping mueller now… you’re on the run. wait, can you run fatso?
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) November 7, 2018
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE DONNY BOY – #MuellerIsComingForYou #IndictTrump
— ROSIE (@Rosie) November 7, 2018
🎼 They call him Flipper, Flipper- No one, you see, flips faster than he…
🎵 And we know Flipper, lives in a dark world of blunder,
🎶 Lying there under, Mueller you see! #RageTweetExpectedFromWHin321 😆 https://t.co/1Ct9dy9nMq— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 14, 2018
Happy #MuellerFriday pic.twitter.com/ty9KAi5C7L
— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) January 25, 2019
Obama tried to warn the American people… McConnell blocked it.
Obama expelled Russian diplomats.
19 indictments.
5 guilty.
Your son Lil' Dotard met Russians in Trump Tower.The noose is tightening… #MuellerTime's gonna bury you.
Paranoid, delusional… cornered.#TrumpRussia https://t.co/QvDlebYMof— Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) February 25, 2018
Press “send”, Robert Mueller. Do it.
— Bradley Whitford (@WhitfordBradley) November 7, 2018
Urednik Intercepta Glenn Greenwald istaknuo je kako ostaje činjenica da “niti jedan Amerikanac nije okrivljen, optužen ili osuđen za dosluh s Rusijom” u svrhu utjecanja na predsjedničke izbore 2016.
The Mueller investigation is complete and this is a simple fact that will never go away: not one single American was charged, indicted or convicted for conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election – not even a low-level volunteer. The number is zero.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2019
“Čak ni volonter na najnižim razinama”, dodao je Greenwald. “Brojka je nula.”
Što slijedi za #TheResistance sad kad je Robert Mueller predao svoje izvješće? Koliko dugo će hollywoodskim zvijezdama trebati da se okrenu protiv sada već bivšeg specijalnog istražitelja i počnu maštati o njegovom optuživanju. Mogu se pridružiti zastupniku Adamu Schiffu (D-CA), koji već govori o sudskom pozivu Muelleru.