Domaća teroristi Antife još jednom su pustošili Portlandom prošlog vikenda, upuštajući se u ekstremističko nasilje u pokušaju zaustavljanja legalnog marša skupine patriotskih Amerikanaca u subotu.
Jedan video pokazuje članove Antife kako razbijaju komade betona i bacaju ih na autobuse ispunjene desničarima:
🚨CONCERNING 🚨 We caught Antifa smuggling concrete slabs within a black case then breaking up the slab & using it to throw at buses carrying right wingers stuck in traffic. This is further evidence of their pre-meditated violence & criminal activity in Portland @realDonaldTrump
— Elijah Schaffer S.O. (@ElijahSchaffer) August 19, 2019
Ostali primjeri terorističkog nasilja, uključujući napad aktivista Antife na patriote čekićem kao i rasističke prijetnje usmjerene prema policiji, uhvaćeni su na video i objavljeni na Twitteru:
Domestic terrorist group Antifa attacking random people in Portland 8.17.19
— Tara LaRosa (@TaraLaRosa) August 18, 2019
A large antifa mob chase & attack a man & a young girl who got separated from the others. No police. #PortlandProtests
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 17, 2019
Antifa attacks people on a bus. They try to pull them out and hit them with a hammer. #PortlandProtests
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 17, 2019
Antifa taunting a black Portland police officer, calling him “Uncle Tom” and a “race traitor”
Please note.. these horrible people call themselves anti fascists…Via @TPostMillennial#PortlandProtest
— David Shapira (@David_shapira) August 18, 2019
Middle-age man was maced and beaten by an antifa mob. He was knocked unconscious to the ground. His partner or spouse was trying to protect him as mob still surrounded them. No police. #PortlandProtests
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 17, 2019
Unatoč brojnim slučajevima nasilja koji su uhvaćeni na video snimkama, ljevičarski gradonačelnik Portlanda Ted Wheeler na Twitteru je pohvalio miroljubivu prirodu svojih Antifa partnera, pozdravljajući policijske snage koje su uglavnom mirno stajale po strani dopuštajući terorističko nasilje.
In light of the recent mass shootings around the country, we prepared for the worst.
I am relieved that no lives were lost. Weapons were seized quickly. @PortlandPolice did an extraordinary job keeping the peace, protecting life, & responding to violence.
We are very grateful.
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) August 18, 2019
Thank you, Portland.
We showed the world our resolve.
I’ve never seen the region more united and it has truly been humbling.#WeArePortland
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) August 20, 2019
Policija se ovdje može vidjeti kako odstupa od domaćih terorista koji ih usput ismijavaju, uvid u ono kako će izgledati Amerika kojom dominiraju marksisti:
Portland police appear to be retreating or leaving. #PortlandProtests
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 17, 2019
Vrijeme je da predsjednik Donald Trump proglasi Antifu domaćom terorističkom skupinom.