Kad su Antifini teroristi ovaj tjedan blokirali ulice grada Bloomingtona u saveznoj državi Indiani, 41-godišnji otac Brad Clapper rekao je dosta i suprotstavio se bandi maskiranih kukavica.
“Skini masku”, rekao je Clapper jednom domaćem teroristu dok je pokušao skinuti njegovu masku.
“Maknite se s jeb*** ulice! Maknite se s jeb*** ulice!”, vikao je prema anti-američkoj skupini komunističkih agitatora koji su odmah udovoljili njegovom zahtjevu uzvikujući uvrede.
The video from @hannahboufford shows the next part of what happened. Clapper is trying to take a bandana off an antifa member as others try to draw them away. Clapper said he got out of his car the second time because someone had called him a pussy, which can't be heard here. pic.twitter.com/YzxLIAXhns
— Lydia Gerike (@LydiaGerike) August 25, 2019
Here's the second part of this exchange, where things get more physical. All the footage we have of this situation is shown. The video is broken up because Hannah had to run down the street to get a better view of what was happening. pic.twitter.com/udhkYec2hF
— Lydia Gerike (@LydiaGerike) August 25, 2019
Ne iznenađuje činjenica da su lažni novinski mediji pokušali oslikati domaće teroriste Antife kao nevine žrtve ovog zabrinutog roditelja, dokazujući da su zapravo neprijatelji Amerike.
A man drove an SUV into a group of people protesting Saturday morning on the streets of Bloomington near the Community Farmers' Market. Here's a thread, with some video, about what @idsnews saw and reported on:
— Lydia Gerike (@LydiaGerike) August 25, 2019
Abby Ang with No Space for Hate said the GMC Terrain that drove toward the group, which included black-clad antifa members, seemed to appear out of nowhere. Then Brad Clapper, 41, started yelling at them to get out of the road and onto the sidewalk.
— Lydia Gerike (@LydiaGerike) August 25, 2019
Ang said she felt Clapper was extremely angry, although he said he never intended to be violent. Some of the parts we didn't get on video are disputed. No police reports have been filed with BPD as of Saturday evening, although Clapper said he talked with officers.
— Lydia Gerike (@LydiaGerike) August 25, 2019
No, Clapper je samo branio svoju obitelj protiv bande nasilnika za koje je poznato da napadaju lagane mete poput novinara Andyja Ngoa iz Quilettea. Morao se postaviti kako bi zaštitio svoju djecu.
“Imam malu djecu, a vi ih na smrt plašite”, rekao je Clapper terorističkoj skupini.
“Možda sam naivan, ali nisam se u niti jednom trenutku osjećao da će ovaj sukob dovesti do ubojstva ili nekakvih težih ozljeda”, rekao je Clapper novinarima.
Antifa ima stalno prisustvo u Bloomingtonu kako bi remetila tržište poljoprivrednika zbog prisustva Schooner Creek farme i njezinih suprotnih političkih stajališta.
Možda će u budućnosti biti rezerviraniji sad kad je obični pojedinac s kralježnicom zauzeo odlučan stav protiv njihove terorističke taktike.