Neki od primjera koje je Tucker ponudio Cathy za “prijevod”:
Tucker: “Did she enjoy herself at the party?”
Cathy: “Did ze enjoy zerself at the party?”
Tucker: “OK, that sounds like Henry Kissinger, that sounds like German accent. Are you sure that’s right?”
Tucker: “She cooks dishes using ingredients she has grown in her yard.”
Cathy: “Ze cooks dishes using ingredients ze has grown in zer yard.”
Tucker: “Zer yard, zer yard. Now you’re French waiter.”
Tucker: “He asked himself whether his gender pronounce were mildly confusing for others.”
Cathy: “Co asked coself whether cos gender pronounce were mildly confusing for others.”
Tucker: “His car broke down, so he had to walk here by himself.”
Cathy: “Hir car broke down, so ze had to walk here by hirself.”
Tucker: “And that’s different from pidgeon English how?”
Tucker: “She better leave now if she wants to make her flight in time.”
Cathy: “Yo better leave now if yo want to make your flight on time.”
Tucker: “Yous flight on time.”
Tucker je završio s komentarom:
“Ako se ikada probudim jednog jutra i otkrijem da sam regrutiran u nekakvu ‘zajednicu’ bez svog pristanka, ja ću se oduprijeti tome. Jedina zajednica kojoj pripadam je moja obitelj. Da li vam itko ikad kaže: ‘Ja nisam član vaše zajednice’?”
Cathy je odgovorila:
“U tome je i ljepota svega toga. Možeš biti član zajednice, ne moraš biti član zajednice… možeš biti tko god želiš biti. Možeš reći ‘Hej, ja ne želim osobnu zamjenicu’…”
Tucker završava sa:
“Ne možeš. Jer je sve obavezno. Sve promjene su dobre i sve je obavezno. To su pravila po kojima moramo živjeti danas.”
I ne, ne šali se.