Doktorica koja vrši pobačaje nedavno je objavila odvratan tweet o tome kako spriječava vrištanje fetusa na način da im prvo prereže grlo, što je razbjesnilo mnoge pobornike pro-života.
Počelo je s ovim:
So f it’s not for the money, is it because you just like infanticide?
Do you hear their heartbeats when you lay down at night?
Do you hear their screams?
— Zarba (@ZarbaNotZorba) March 11, 2018
“Pružateljica pobačaja” Leah Torres je odgovorila tweetom:
Znate da fetusi ne mogu vrištati, zar ne? Ja im prvo prerežem grlo tako da niti nemaju tu mogućnost, iako možda nisu dovoljno razvijeni kako bi imali glasnice.
Neću se ispričavati zbog toga što se bavim medicinom. Ja sam također “parač maternice”, ako tako želite nazvati histerektomiju (uklanjanje maternice – op. a.)
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) March 11, 2018
Ben Shapiro je odgovorio:
This is like a James Bond villain explaining his plan to 007, but a lot less self-aware.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 14, 2018
Shapiro nije bio jedini koji je ostao zapanjen ovim opisom abortusa:
“LOL, idiot. They can’t scream if I slit their throats”
–Ted Bundy err Leah Torres, MD— F. Bill McMorris (@FBillMcMorris) March 14, 2018
Every now and then, someone on the left slips up and reveals the brutal reality of abortion. Don’t ever let them forget it.
— Alexandra DeSanctis (@xan_desanctis) March 14, 2018
Truly GHOULISH tweet in which a doctor callously mentions how aborted babies ‘don’t have the opportunity to scream because she slices their throats first’
Sound like a murder movie script? Yes. Why? Because abortion is murder.
— Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) March 14, 2018
We lost our second child 17 weeks into pregnancy, loved her, held her and think about her every day.
This makes my stomach churn.
— Barrett Sallee (@BarrettSallee) March 14, 2018
There’s a difference between being clinical and being a spiteful ghoul. Guess which side of that line you’re standing on.
— neontaster 🚟 (@neontaster) March 14, 2018