Fotografija bivšeg NFL kickera Jay Feeleya na kojoj stoji s pištoljem između kćerke i njezinog spoja prije njihovog odlaska na maturalni ples, službeno je velika vijest 2018. USA Today je pokrio tu vijest; također i Washington Post; Deadspin isto. I naravno, internet je doživio “živčani slom”.
Evo bezazlene slike koja prije deset godina nikad ne bi došla na naslovne stranice:
Wishing my beautiful daughter and her date a great time at prom #BadBoys
— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) April 22, 2018
Slijedila je poplava histerijskih reakcija, ali mnogi su također stali u obranu Feeja i vlasnika oružja. Nekoliko primjera.
Let's see…Daddy poses for a photo by standing between daughter and her date, while holding a hand gun!? The clear message is what? That you own a gun? You make a strong case that MANY GUN OWNERS SHOULD NOT OWN A GUN!! Totally irresponsible.
— Wayenin (@WeCU12) April 22, 2018
He is also apparently sending a message that he owns his daughter, and this kid better not trespass on his "property".
— Anita Napp (@Anita_Nappzz) April 22, 2018
Not just that, but also that the daughter can't make choices for herself. Wrong for so many reasons.
— Becca (@McHattrick) April 22, 2018
Nah, SJWs intentionally blow stuff out of proportion.
The father with a gun joke is decades old and is nothing more than a joke about a father protecting his daughter too much.
Its intentionally 'over the top' so the jokes easy to understand. And still people dont get it…
— //sadくぼ地 (@VestedLove) April 22, 2018
Do you think that a decades-old joke about guns maybe aged very badly in the face of decades of avoidable gun slaughter?
— Sue Kelly (@SueKelly10) April 22, 2018
No. Because if we cant joke about something just because something bad happened, we wouldnt be able to joke about anything.
Some people also cope with traumatic situations by making jokes about it. Like my buddy who on his third iraq tour got shot 6 times. He jokes about it.
— //sadくぼ地 (@VestedLove) April 22, 2018
I am glad someone who was shot can joke about it. But there is just a bit of difference in a soldier getting shot in the line of duty and school pupils dying. The joke here is based on violence and misogyny, is in poor taste, and sends a very unpleasant message not a funny one
— Sue Kelly (@SueKelly10) April 22, 2018
Ok honestly, why the hell is this news? 5 years ago this would've just been posted on iFunny and Reddit for 2 days and we would move on. What happened to this country that we can't take jokes anymore? What harm does this cause exactly?
— Zimzi (@xZimzi) April 22, 2018
Thank you this a joke and people don't have anything better to do then try to make this bigger than it is
— Just a Gif #KarenSon (@_PoeticMetaphor) April 22, 2018
I have nothing better to do since my son was shot by someone jokingly pointing a gun at him. There's nothing funny about guns to me anymore.
— Bridget Losch (@LoschBridget) April 22, 2018
Good thing this guy isnt pointing the gun at him, the gun’s safety is on, and his finger isnt on the trigger. Your tragedy doesn’t take away from the fact that this is a HARMLESS joke. Cars kill more people every year than guns, but we don’t care when people pose in front of them
— Catherine Creighton (@CatCreighton) April 22, 2018
I don't get backlash over an unfunny played-out joke, but this stupid comparison of cars and guns has to stop, they are nothing alike. Cars serve a vast array of purposes and benefits and were not designed to kill, guns are manufactured for being good at tearing through flesh.
— Jacob Erling (@jacoberling) April 23, 2018
Their intended purpose doesn’t matter. People can repurposes anything into a weapon, which is how London’s murder rate surpassed NYC’s bc of their stabbings. Knives, cars, hammers, etc are all deadlier than guns. Saying “but they weren’t made for that!” doesn’t change that.
— Catherine Creighton (@CatCreighton) April 23, 2018
Budući da je 2018., Feely ja na kraju ponudio objašnjenje i djelomičnu ispriku za njegov samoobjašnjavajući, nepotrebno-ispričavajući tweet:
“Slika prije maturalnog plesa koju sam objavio očigledno je trebala biti šala. Moja kćer izlazi sa svojim dečkom više od godinu dana i znali su da se šalim”, napisao je. “Ozbiljno shvaćam sigurnost rukovanja oružjem (pištolj nije bio napunjen i nije imao magazin) i nisam namjeravao biti neosjetljiv na to važno pitanje”.
The prom picture I posted was obviously intended to be a joke. My Daughter has dated her boyfriend for over a year and they knew I was joking.
I take gun safety seriously (the gun was not loaded and had no clip in) and I did not intend to be insensitive to that important issue— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) April 22, 2018