Reper Kanye West šokirao je ljevičarski sustav u subotu, usuđujući se pružiti podršku konzervativnoj YouTube osobi pod imenom Candace Owens (Red Pill Black).
“Volim način na koji Candace razmišlja”, objavio je West na Twitteru.
I love the way Candace Owens thinks
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
Osam minuta kasnije, reper i modni dizajner objavio je još jedan tweet u kojem je napisao “samo slobodni mislioci”, što se očito isto bilo usmjereno prema Owens.
only free thinkers
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
Owens sebe opisuje kao slobodnog mislioca; često kritizira politiku identiteta i bila je nepokolebljiva u svojoj podršci prema predsjedniku Donaldu Trumpu. Mlada zvijezda često gostuje na Fox News kako bi analizirala kulturna i politička zbivanja i direktorica je urbanog angažmana neprofitne organizacije Turning Point USA. Owens se nedavno izložila kritikama zbog svoje izjave da je Trump ne samo “vođa zapadnog svijeta, već i njegov spasitelj” i zbog govora crnim studentima koji zagovaraju Black Lives Matter da, za razliku od svojih predaka, nikada nisu živjeli u bilo kakvoj stvarnoj potlačenosti.
Owens je brzo reagirala na Kanyeovu pohvalu, zahvaljujući glazbeniku i tvrdeći da svoje samopouzdanje duguje njegovim tekstovima. Također ga je zamolila da “napravi sastanak” s njom.
I’m freaking out. @kanyewest ….please take a meeting with me. I tell every single person that everything that I have been inspired to do, was written in your music.
I am my own biggest fan, because you made it okay. I need you to help wake up the black community.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 21, 2018
Kanyea su brzo zapljusnule kritike zbog svoje hereze što je hvalio nekoga tko ne misli onako kako se očekuje da misli, a Owens je predvidljivo osuđena zbog toga što je navodno izdala svoju rasu.
I really defended Kanye West. I love Kim and I think he is a good artist but he's gone way too far at this point. Candace Owens? Really? What would his mother say about that? He's a joke and a caricature of himself at this point.
— Shady McGrady (@downtheline18) April 21, 2018
I can't reconcile someone who put out yeezus then going and supporting Candace Owens. Almost feels like Ye stoking controversy for the sake of controversy, but I'm not gonna defend it.
— Dylan Jones (@TheLazyPigeon) April 21, 2018
The truth is y’all will continue to canonize Kanye, buy his shoes and albums. In fact, you’ll probably do so in higher numbers now.
I rarely quote the Bible, but that whole bit about false idols carries a lot of truth.
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) April 21, 2018
Candace Owens has proven to be anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ and fact-hating.
(Honestly, there are so many more descriptors.)For Kanye to align himself with her is messy and dangerous.
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) April 21, 2018
AKA Redpill Black — communications director of far-right campus org Turning Point USA, which has been accused of widespread discrimination against minorities
— Joe Bernstein (@Bernstein) April 21, 2018
would literally any other Candace Owens please stand up
— Micah Peters (@micahpeters_) April 21, 2018
As I've said many times before, if I had no dignity I would be a very rich man by now. Candace Owens is making money off of denigrating black folks for her mostly white audience. Same as that Noir guy, same as Stacey Dash, same as Allen West etc.
— Herb Lawrence (@Ecnerwal23) April 21, 2018
Aside from being an insane alt right race pimp Candace Owens thinks Donald Trump is literally the messiah not you @kanyewest so you might want to reconsider
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) April 21, 2018
U 2016., Kanye je bio napadan od ljevice nakon što je imao sastanak s tada izabranim predsjednikom Trumpom.