Donald Trump Jr. stavio je u četvrtak CNN-ovom Jima Acostu na njegovo mjesto odgovarajući na komentare dopisnika Bijele kuće na društvenim medijima.
Acosta je posjetio granicu u McAllenu, državi Teksas, prije posjete predsjednika Trumpa i odlučio dokazati da je predsjednik u krivu što se tiče granice. Rezultat tog pokušaja bilo je Acostino nehotično dokazivanje da je granični zid to područje učinio sigurnijim.
“Pronašao sam neke čelične prepreke na granici”, tweetao je Acosta. “Ali ne vidim ništa što bi sličilo nacionalnoj izvanrednoj situaciji..barem ne na graničnom području McAllen TX koje će Trump danas posjetiti.”
“Naravno da ne vidiš Jim”, odgovorio je Trump Jr. “To je zbog toga što zidovi djeluju. Hvala ti na pomoći što si dokazao da je @realDonaldTrump u pravu i što si istovremeno stvorio jedan od najboljih ‘self-own’ videa ikad!!!”
Of course you don’t Jim. That’s because walls work. Thanks for your help proving @realDonaldTrump’s point and simultaneously creating one of the best self-own videos ever!!!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 10, 2019
“Malo je čudno Don”, odgovorio je Acosta. “Čini se kao da vi momci govorite da trenutačne mjere djeluju. Znači li to da bi tvoj otac trebao ponovno otvoriti vladu i vratiti savezne zaposlenike na posao? #byebye”
It’s a little strange Don. You guys seem to be saying the current measures in place are working. Does that mean your dad should reopen the government and get federal employees back to work? #byebye
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 10, 2019
“Znam da ti je možda teško za shvatiti Jimbo, ali razlog zašto ti se danas izruguje cijeli Twitter je činjenica da se nalaziš na mjestu granice SA ZIDOM”, odgovorio je Trump Jr. “Stoga, da, naravno da djeluje. Repliciraj to duž granice i svi ćemo biti sigurniji. #RealNews #ByeBye”
I know this might be hard for you to comprehend Jimbo, but the reason why all of Twitter has been mocking you today is because you were at a part of the border WITH A WALL. So yes, of course it was working. Replicate that across the border & we’ll all be safer. #RealNews #ByeBye
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 10, 2019
Evo nekih istaknutijih odgovora na Acostine videozapise koji pokazuju da zidovi funkcioniraju:
Hey Jim @Acosta,
You’re making Trump’s case better than he can!#BorderSecurity
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 10, 2019
When I went with President @realDonaldTrump to the border today I never imagined @Acosta would be there doing our job for us and so clearly explaining why WALLS WORK. Thanks Jim!
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) January 10, 2019
Er, you found a place where there is a barrier and all is quiet? Jim, do you know what point you're actually making here?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 10, 2019
It's almost as though having steel slats might help prevent illegal immigration where you're filming, dolt.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 10, 2019
Dear Diary, today I accidentally argued in front of the entire world that border security requires real barriers, when I meant to say the opposite and grandstand against the President. But then I had a Whopper so I feel better.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 10, 2019
Where @acosta inadvertently proves @realDonaldTrump point and demonstrates that walls actually work.
— Ryan Petty (@rpetty) January 10, 2019