Louis Farrakhan, čelnik Nacije islama, pozvao je u nedjelju ujutro na kraj bijele rase izjavivši da njihova “priroda nije u skladu s prirodom Boga”.
Why should there be an end to him (White man)? Because his nature is not in harmony with the nature of God. #Farrakhan #NOISundays
— The Final Call News (@TheFinalCall) May 27, 2018
Farrakhan je nastavio s tvrdnjom da su bijelci protratili vrijeme koje im je Bog dao da vladaju, navodeći da su odlučili da ne vladaju pravedno, istinito ili pošteno.
White man was only given 6,000 years (6 days) to rule. You cannot deny he has ruled but on what principle did he rule? Righteousness? Truth? Justice? Fairness? I don't think so. #Farrakhan #NOISundays
— The Final Call News (@TheFinalCall) May 27, 2018
Farrakhanova poruka uključila je popis osobina za koje on smatra da su “u prirodi bijelog čovjeka” — uključujući ubojstvo i nepoštenje — i dodao da, dok su bijelci bili robovi svojeg karaktera, crni ljudi su “učili od svojih gospodara”.
What he (the White man) does, he does by nature. What you (Black people) do, is by learning from your master. #Farrakhan #NOISundays
— The Final Call News (@TheFinalCall) May 27, 2018
Farrakhan je također podigao obrve ranije ovog tjedna kada je rekao da predsjednik Donald Trump “uništava svakog neprijatelja koji je bio neprijatelj našeg uspona”.
Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise. Who is the enemy of our rise? Is it the Department of Justice where we get none? Is it Congress where you make a law that favors us and then you turn around and destroy it? https://t.co/iK8VMI667b pic.twitter.com/Byk0Px2Avo
— MINISTER FARRAKHAN (@LouisFarrakhan) May 25, 2018